Three hundred cheers for Angela Merkel, who has stood up against the failed politics of Gordon Brown and Nicholas Sarkozy, not to mention the whole stinking EU bureaucratic machine. Angela Merkel, you will remember, is the leader of Germany, a country with an export-driven economy, a balance of payments surplus, a banking sector not discombobulated by its own greed, much tigher credit controls than debt-addicted Blighty: in short a successful country not a failed one. Not only has she and her colleague, Peer Steinbruek questioned the new fiscal orthodoxy that we the best way to rescue ourselves from insolvency is to spend more, but they are resisting the economically destructive Poznan Climate Change agreement. Is there any coincidence in the fact that those countries without a creditable industrial policies are the ones who support the Climate Change Targets?
One silver lining is that the Germans are becoming more euro-sceptic. After years of financing the EU, they are beginning to grumble at underwriting habitual failure.
William Astore on ‘Bombs and Bulldozers Are Us’
18 hours ago
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