We have to put up with the misrepresentation of the Catholic (really the most consistently Conservative) viewpoint on social issues such as the family, abortion, sex education and euthansia; these views are either ignored, or ridiculed. We have the attack on faith-based schooling in the name of social cohesion and British values. Like most people, I don't want teenagers or pre-teenagers to receive that trojan-horse, a value-free education on sex and be lectured on the easy availability of contraception,
I would like my children to be educated in the Catholic faith, and be brought up in a Christian environment; such a truly liberal education would help protect them from the culture of death promoted by a combination of Government policy, liberal dogma and commercial profit - and Dr. Harris. Yet, I am supposed to care about the Act of Succession. In any case, liberal morality is destroying the West. The Death of the West really does matter and the Catholic church is fighting it. But I digress.
Returning to the issue, our concern should be the Constitution of Britain, not treating Catholics as yet another minority to be used as a wedge for a liberal attack on our traditions. By "reforming" the Act of Succession, you tinker with the constitution, and in the process may weaken the monarchy, which is no doubt the real intention. It doesn't make any difference to the lives of Catholics, except to make another spiteful and otherwise pointless gesture against the traditions of this country. It of courses matters a lot to the left because that is their stock-in-trade. They say it is an anomaly. So? History is full of anomalies, they are part of our past, the settlement handed down to us by our ancestors - which it is much easier to destroy than to replace. There is a lot of ideology here but no injustice?
Cardinal Keith O' Brien calls it "state-sponsored sectarianism". I guess from a West-Scotland perspective, he could be forgiven for this statement, given the Catholic and Protestants divisions there; but attacking the monarcy won't do much to improve community tensions, as far as I can see. Interestingly, he is referred to as a "critic" rather than by name by BBC Radio 4. Though Cardinal O' Brien is to the left of the Government on nuclear disarmament, immigration and other issues, he was recently demonised by the left for his robust pro-life remarks. For the left, being pro-abortion is an article of
The government won't back the private members bill because it is a constitutional quagmire; but true to the jacobin leanings of New Labour, Gordon Brown "is in discussions with the palace", is worried about "exclusion" and says that "there shouldn't be discrimination". His role as progressive world leader means that he must at least pay lip service to this faux equality and diversity issue.
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