That the New Labour Government should consciously encourage immigration to make the country more diverse, as well being as a traitorous putsch, is part of the tyranny of the "enlightened" state over its people. It is no longer left to the electorate to decide on the composition of the people; instead enlightened government has the right to remake the people as it sees fit. Except they are not that englightened: they were motivated by political advantage and downright malice towards the traditional culture of Britain. See Melanie Philips' article on the Spectator at
New Labour's support for immigration is based not so much on concern for the disenfranchised immigrants as hostilty towards the traditional, white, homogenous, British, Christian culture. By undermining the demographic base of society, they can more easily effect their progressive schemes for a new rational order, based on equality, supranationalism and the rest. They engineer a multi-cultural society, which is so toxic that it has to be managed by a plethora of race equality laws, handouts to "alienated" communities and measures against freedom of speech. The school system has to be monitored for community cohesiveness, the police have to be re-organised so that it is not "institutionally racist". If there were no immigrant masses, the liberal-left would have to invent them, so as to provide a pretext for their attack on western civilisation.
The Modern Conservatives have been very quiet, with Damien Green mouthing a weak, token protest (see end of article). As Melenie Philips said: "If David Cameron won’t raise the roof even over the fact that the British have had their cultural identity deliberately destroyed by stealth, then what on earth is the point of the Conservative party?" [her italics].
It should be stressed that the Conservatives' immigration policy (their website) reserves to the Government the right to choose the composition of the British people. This is tyranny at worst, state managerialism at best. As we discover, the two merge together in practice. See this wikipedia posting on the Managerial state.
William Astore on ‘Bombs and Bulldozers Are Us’
5 hours ago
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